Qualität für Ihr Labor



Süd-Laborbedarf: As the name implies we are based in southern germany, just a few minutes away from Munich. Since 1981 we deliver quality for your laboratory.  


The beginning

In 1975 biochemist Roman Müllner was sales director in Europe, Middle East and Africa for american pipets. Six years later he founded his own company Süd-Laborbedarf GmbH in Gauting.

He first represented the japanese pipet manufacturer Nichiryo. Soon followed by fitting tips, now sold under his own brand SL-Tip®. A universal-fitting cone was developed to allow the best possible performance with SL-Tip® and to enable the use of already available tips. The same customer-friendly approach holds true for the new pipet going by the name of SL-Pette®. Of course all pipets come with a certificate of calibration and are conform to EN.


Expansion of the product range

Seit 1981 hat sich natürlich viel getan und neben Liquid-Handling-Produkten finden Sie inzwischen viele weitere interessante Produkte und Marken im Sortiment. Ergänzt wurden die Pipetten durch Verbrauchsmaterialien und Einmalartikel für die Molekularbiologie, von den Hi Yield® RNA- und DNA-Isolierungskits bis hin zu Kunststoffartikel für die PCR. Innovatives und Außergewöhnliches wie die etwas andere Pipette Charlotte gibt es nur bei Süd-Laborbedarf. Dazu kamen im Laufe der Jahre diverse Verbrauchsmaterialien, Dispensierhilfen, komplette Kits und Präzisionsinjektoren aus Amerika, alles speziell für die biochemische und molekularbiologische Forschung.

A lot has happend since then and many new products have been added to our product range. Consumable products for molecular biological laboratories, Hi Yield® DNA and RNA kits and PCR plastics augmented the product line. Some extraordinary products like the pipet Charlotte are unique to Süd-Laborbedarf. And everything is perfectly matched to biochemical and molecular biological research. To ensure the highest quality possible our quality management system is TÜV certified according to ISO 9001:2008. 

Some of our best selling products are the SafeGrip® nitrile and latex gloves produced to our own quality standard. All gloves are not created equal. Examination gloves are worn for just a few minutes so comfort is not very important. Our SafeGrip® gloves are specifically produced to meet the needs of people working in laboratories. Manufactured to our demands and tested by the independent certification company SGS we are able to constantly deliver high quality products. 

Our future

All brands are registered trade marks of Süd-Laborbedarf GmbH. SafeGrip® and NitriSoft® gloves, SLG® consumables and laboratory equipment, Hi Yield® DNA and RNA kits, SL-Pette® pipets and SL-Tip® pipet tips make up the majority of our turnover. 

For about 15 years we concentrated on the successful promotion of our private brands. Today we sell about 1,500 different products by mail order business with 6 employees. Small companies like us are able to react individually on inquiries and needs of our customers. Orders we receive until 14:00 are mostly shipped the same day and are delivered on the following day. We don't insist on minimum order quantity because we see ourselves as the middleman between manufacturer and end user.

The constant increase of our turn-over shows we are doing things the right way.  

Training and education are important for us. Since 1984 Süd-Laborbedarf is a IHK-registered training company and we're trying to employ all suitable trainees after their graduation. 

We want to be your vendor no. 1! Allow yourself to be convinced!